The First Step to Healing is the Courage to Ask for Help.

Have you experienced trauma, abuse, relationship challenges or loss? Do you struggle with codependency? Do you have difficulty setting healthy boundaries? Do you want to build self-esteem and confidence? Have your attempts to create meaningful changes in your life been met, repeatedly with short term-success? Are you losing hope with the prospect of a prosperous meaningful future?

Hi! My name is Cassie, and I’m a Christian, faith-based therapist licensed and located in the sunny (and sometimes rainy!) state of Florida. The questions posed above speak to challenges many of us are regularly faced with, but may find it difficult to speak about. Instead, we may find ourselves harboring feeling of shame and guilt which blocks us from pursuing and receiving the help we need.

Well there is good news! Therapy with me is conducted within a safe, judgment-free space, where I provide opportunities for you to face those challenges and express those feelings. My approach to treatment can incorporate impartation of biblical wisdom, recommendations for the development of affirming spiritual disciplines, and prayer. At each stage of treatment, we’ll collaborate to assess and engage in a way which best fits you.

And if you’re not seeking faith based counseling? No problem at all! With over six (6) years of professional experience, and a host of treatment methods to rely on, you can rest assured in my ability to meet you uniquely in your place of need. Ultimately, my desire is to help you reach a place of freedom and peace, where you can begin experiencing incremental yet impactful improvements to your overall wellbeing so your life and relationships can bear the fruit they were always meant to.

Please contact me to schedule a free initial consultation.

(954) 507-2428     |     Send Email

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I look forward to helping you make the first step toward your well being.

Why Seek Therapy?

Psychotherapy can be an effective tool in providing you with the necessary support and training to overcome the challenges you face. By seeking therapy, you are taking responsibility and action to change what no longer works in your life. Many studies have shown throughout the years that psychotherapy is an effective form of treating and managing mental and other emotional distresses.

I believe you are the expert of your own story and have many God-given strengths that will assist you on your life journey. My job is to help you identify them, and work towards utilizing them to their fullest capacity. It takes courage to seek out a more fulfilling and happier life and to take the first steps towards a change.
I am here to walk along side you.

I believe there’s hope for everyone, even those feeling utterly defeated in this season of their lives. If you’re here, then take it as evidence; the time for healing is now.

Head over to my schedule, book an initial session and let’s get started!

“The wound is the place where the light enters you”

– Rumi